Research group Rehabilitation Research
Being physically independent seems very normal for all of us and you only realize the importance of being physically independent when you are confronted with the opposite, whether it applies to yourself or to someone in your environment. It applies to the stroke patient who lost his walking ability but also to your 80-year old father who has difficulties in climbing the stairs and which worries you on a daily basis, imagining him lying on the floor during the night, being home alone.
The Rehabilitation Research (RERE) group is a very dynamic research team which is recently been formed. Most P.I.’s have heterogeneous research lines, ranging from neurological to oncological rehabilitation and from pediatric to geriatric rehabilitation. Several RERE members still work as a clinician, which stimulates the transition of clinical questions into research questions and vice versa.
All RERE members share one common purpose: we aim to provide the best scientific evidence for rehabilitation strategies to improve the quality of life by optimizing physical functioning. We believe that lifelong physical autonomy is achievable.
At present, rehabilitation strategies, whether or not preventive in nature, have proven effective. We are now as a team, ready to take the next step: we will complement our own insights with those from other disciplines. Hence, we strongly try to integrate innovative insights from transdisciplinary research.
Vacature voor voltijdse doctoraatsonderzoeker revalidatiewetenschappen EU TARGET-PROJECT
Voor het nieuwe EU Project TARGET (health virtual twins for the personalised management of stroke) zoeken we bij RERE een voltijdse doctoraatsonderzoeker revalidatiewetenschappen. Geïnteresseerden kunnen voor meer informatie of aanmelding terecht bij prof. Eva Swinnen (Eva.Swinnen@vub.be).Vacancy post-doc researcher IMPACT
Are you a passionate, post-doc researcher with an affinity for rehabilitation and technology (including augmented reality, virtual reality, robotics, exoskeletons)? Then, don’t hesitate to grasp this opportunity to join our team!Vacature voor pre-doc & post-doc onderzoeker RevalExo project!
We are looking for a pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researcher for the RevalExo project! Applications can be submitted until August 20, 2023. Check out the details of the vacancies below.