Mahyar Firouzi
PhD researcher
Mahyar obtained his master degree in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy with a specialization in neurological disorders in 2019 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. In January of 2020, he started his interdisciplinary PhD, balancing between neuropsychology and neurorehabilitation. As a member of the Brain, Body and Cognition (BBCO) and Rehabilitation Research (RERE) groups, his research focuses on non-invasive brain stimulation to improve motor learning in individuals with Parkinson’s disease – under supervision of prof. dr. Natacha Deroost (BBCO), prof. dr. Eva Swinnen (RERE) and dr. Kris Baetens (BBCO).
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Brussels Health Campus
1050 Brussels